
Nexus mods fallout 4 alternate start
Nexus mods fallout 4 alternate start

Attacks with Electrical, Cryo or Energy damage do 25% more damage. Every location is revealed on the map and you gain 100% extra experience for discovering them. You deal 15% more damage with a Minigun. As a doctor, Stimpaks are 50% more effective.

nexus mods fallout 4 alternate start

You are harder to spot whilst moving and you can naturally pick Advanced locks, and hack Advanced terminals. People come to you for help, and hope that you provide them resolution for their plights. Thievery and murder are common sights in Boston.

nexus mods fallout 4 alternate start

Location: Diamond City Outskirts or Vault 81 You can construct workbenches without any of the requisite perks, and the material cost itself is lower. Your movement is 25% faster than normal. Location: Diamond City Outskirts or Goodneighbor You can sell stock to merchants for 25% more caps. You no longer suffer from Radiation exposure of any kind. Location: Vault 81 or Diamond City Outskirts or The Castle or Jamaica Plain or General Atomics or Drumlin Diner You can purchase from vendors at 75% of the normal purchase price. You gain 25 Damage Resistance whilst below 50% health. Note: scripted aggression from npcs such as the Combat Zone raiders will still occur. You deal 25% more damage with single-handed melee weapons and your fists. Location: Bunker Hill or Diamond City Outskirts You gain an 25% chance of disarming an enemy when you hit them using a Baseball Bat. Whilst wearing Power Armor, you do 25% more damage with melee attacks. You deal 50% more Fire damage with any weapon. In the future it will also define which starting quests you receive. Each occupation defines your starting gear and weapon, your faction allies, your starting perk and your starting location.

nexus mods fallout 4 alternate start

Vault 111 will be accessible as if you had progressed normally, and your starting quest will be the Jewel of the Commonwealth, rather than Out of TIme.Īnother Life allows you to roleplay as 36 different occupations. Once you enter the processing unit, you will be transported to the Commonwealth, of course without the knowledge that you were ever in the Institute. This is where you can pick which occupation you will play as. Here you will find a Pipboy and a terminal that controls the parameters of the processing unit. Once awakened, you will find yourself in one of the Institute's many synth processing chambers.

nexus mods fallout 4 alternate start

Awaken will start the alternative start mod, slumber will allow you to continue through the vanilla start sequence. Upon leaving the bathroom, you will be prompted if you would like to awaken or to slumber. The prewar sequence is merely a memory simulation inside of your head as your synth body is created. Another Life allows you to circumvent the fixed starting sequence and choose a different role to play, allowing for a more immersive roleplaying experience.

Nexus mods fallout 4 alternate start