
Windows 10 anniversary metered connection
Windows 10 anniversary metered connection

windows 10 anniversary metered connection

Note: If the problem comes back then the most likely cause might be a new Windows Update. This is because these settings apply to all the connected devices whether they are listed on the page or not. Note: Even if your device isn’t listed on the page, you should change the settings. Check the option Download over metered connections.Select Bluetooth & other devices (or Connected devices) from the left pane.So, changing this setting will resolve the issue. This setting, if turned off, will prevent Windows from downloading the drivers of devices when you are on a metered connection. There is an option under your devices settings that allows Windows to download the drivers or other application info of your devices. Window Updates sometimes reset the settings. If the issue appeared out of nowhere and your devices were working fine just a day ago then the most likely cause must be a Window Update. Improper settings in the devices section that won’t allow Windows to download drivers while on a metered connection.

Windows 10 anniversary metered connection